An annual event in Fort Wayne, and probably a lot of other places, the Parade of Homes is put on by the Homebuilders Association. When Liane worked for the architect she used to have to work the booth for it, and one year I helped her (still wondering how I got sucked into that). We thought it would be prudent to check it out this year.
There were seven homes in it this year. Admission has gone up to $9. I'm still trying to figure out how they get so many people to pay $9 to walk through houses and be sold to all day. Gotta' hand it to 'em there. And we did, $18 for the two of us. A lot of other people did too. It seemed very crowded to me. Almost difficult to walk through and see the houses. You'll notice a line to get in one of them above. It turned out that was mostly caused by the lady with a builder working the door who had to tell everyone ALL about it as they walked in.
We've seen some pretty spectacular houses in the past at the few of these we went to. This year, not surprisingly, the entries were a little more down to earth. It struck me this time that it seemed like more of an interior design show. The houses were nice, but for the most part pretty basic in terms of their design and construction. What appeared to set them apart from one another in many ways were the little things that had been done -- the extras, and the decorating. I can look past most of that pretty easily though, and get right to the design of the house while still enjoying the decorating ideas.
A few highlights below...
A fairly attractive kitchen. I especially liked the hood over the stove top. Not sure I'd want that one for me (glass hood, hard to keep clean?), but it looks cool here. Undecided, but I think I might like the high contrast colors.
I had mentioned a while back, when we were first struggling with how to keep my shower flush with the floor, that both the tub area AND shower could be raised, and I was okay with that. I even did a mock up showing the tub at an angle like this, with the shower off to one side (as this one is -- to the right) and Liane didn't like it. But she liked this bathroom. Go figure.
Not totally dissimilar to the way part of our kitchen may work. For us the sink will overlook the dinette, but I wonder if we should consider the angles like this, and maybe even the bar vibe? Ahh...decisions.

I kinda' dig the three side fireplace. Liane isn't enthused. Guess that will be another debate at some point.
I like it. Liane didn't. Big surprise!
Cool sidewalk. Practical?
Kind of a nice vibe here.
Seems like a smart and functional way to use the area under the steps. This idea might be worth stealing, except I think my studio will be in that area on our design.
Ultimately I didn't see a house I would want to buy, even if the price wasn't as over-inflated as these were. However there were aspects of each of them I really liked. I think we got a few good ideas.