We can agonize over all of this until the end of time. Must get moving (In the immortal words of my friend and former bandmate, Gene Carpenter, "Do something, even if it's wrong."). So, we spilled $16,000 of hard earned money to them for a deposit yesterday. Not a small chuck of change, but it's just the deposit to get the work started. Hopefully tens of thousands of dollars later we will be happy. We could buy a small house for what these two projects are going to cost.
That takes care of two of the jobs. There is also the kitchen remod, which is mostly about new counter tops, sink, etc., though there is also one additional cabinet going in, and we want to totally rework the area over the stove -- details (and final costs) still to be determined.
And then there is the landscaping we'll have to do to make the new deck space work with the rest of the yard, and the dock for the pond, etc. That's not going to be cheap.
Meanwhile furniture is being delivered today. Thank goodness for gainful employment!
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