Sunday we went to look at a model home that both Nicole (who designed it) and Chris (our realtor) thought would be good for us to see based on the style of house we want to build. They came up with the suggestion of this specific house independently of one another, claiming it had several characteristics on our list of wants. So we trucked all the way up north in what was close to a 30 minute drive. Having grown up in Louisville I know that 30 minutes doesn't seem like much of a drive to people who live in larger cities, but in Fort Wayne it's an epic journey. Perspectives change. When I first moved here I remember a lady in a store telling me where I could find something I was looking for and she said, "...but that's all the way across town." Well, all the way across town amounted to maybe 25 minutes, which to me was nothing back then. Now a drive of 25 or 30 minutes feels like a journey to Mecca or something.
Liane confirmed (via their website) the hours it would be open on Sunday and we drove all the way up to the very nice, new addition to find it. We found it with a note on the door informing us that nobody would be there due to "staffing." Evidently they don't have enough staffing to keep someone in their model while it is "open" or they don't have enough to have someone update their listing on their website.
So we walked around the house looking in through the windows. It occurred to me at this point that we might look rather suspicious. Nicole had told us that the house recently had a break in and many items were stolen. Here we are walking around looking in windows. I guess a trip downtown for questioning would have added a bit more intrigue to an otherwise (nearly) wasted trip. Actually we were able to see some of what they were talking about looking in from the outside so it wasn't a complete waste.

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