Saturday, August 27, 2011

Post It Communication

Liane's way of communicating with the tile guy. Each of these post it notes indicates a problem that we want to see fixed. Boy, he must be frustrated, but I don't know how many ways we can explain that we want consistently spaced grout lines between tiles.

At one point he told her it would be nice to be able to communicate with her while he's here. Her response, "If this job had been nearing completion weeks ago, as was promised, that would be easy. But now that I'm in school I don't know what to tell you."

He's going to have to muddle through...

1 comment:

  1. Wonder how much of this is an attempt to avoid having smaller pieces to fit into the length? Obviously, if that is the issue he is dealing with then that should be part of the communication piece so that you all can tell him what you prefer.
